21 Signs You’re Obsessed with Essential Oils

Mar 22nd, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

16. You can’t use “ordinary” cosmetics because your skin looks better using an oils beauty regimen.

17. You keep emergency oils in your purse, your backpack, your desk, and your car.

18. You have at least seven bottles of your favorite oil, just in case.

19. Your Pinterest board for essential oils is overflowing with pins (but still compliant).

20. When your neighbor is grumpy about your invitations to use essential oils, you suggest an essential oil for his grouchy mood.

21. You have a special cupboard just for your oils, categorized by essential oils for emotions, essential oils for physical health, and essential oils for motivation. They might just be color coded, too.

Article source: https://www.youngliving.com/blog/21-signs-youre-addicted-to-essential-oils/