Build Your Dream with Essential Oils

Jul 10th, 2014 | Category: Young Living Product Blog


“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.”  —Gloria Steinem



This year was my first time attending a Young Living convention, and it was inspiring to see how thousands of our members are building their dreams! They have begun their journeys by partnering with a company that goes above and beyond to help individuals discover profound and lasting transformations, support their health, and change lives around the world!

It’s fitting, then, that Build Your Dream™ was the best-selling essential oil blend at this year’s convention. Build Your Dream was formulated by D. Gary Young to celebrate Young Living’s 20-year journey of vision, determination, and progress. Each oil in this unique blend has a special connection to the story of Young Living, including Lavender, Sacred Frankincense™, Melissa, Blue Cypress, Hong Kuai, Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang, Dream Catcher™, Believe™, and the rare Blue Lotus absolute oil.

Whatever your dream is—getting out of debt, finding needed answers to a life problem, or learning a new skill—Young Living’s new Build Your Dream 20th anniversary essential oil blend can help you achieve it by providing added clarity, confidence, peace, and focus.

Here are a couple ways to use Build Your Dream to help you succeed:

  • Apply topically or diffuse it in the morning during prayer or meditation to open up intuition and strengthen enthusiasm.
  • Wear it topically whenever needed to inspire confidence, clarity, and focus.
  • Daub it on your neck or wrists before bed as you visualize and affirm your goals.
  • Diffuse it to reduce feelings of mental fatigue and disconnection, to help support relaxation, and to create an atmosphere of peace.

What is your dream? Tell us about it in the comments below to be automatically entered to win a special 20th anniversary Build Your Dream kit!

Each kit includes a 5-ml Build Your Dream blend, a 20th anniversary pin, an 8-page pamphlet about the blend and Young Living’s history, and a 16-compartment mahogany oil holder box. These kits are available only while supplies last.

The winner will be selected randomly on Monday, July 14,and we’ll post it here on the blog. Good luck!

—Heidi Jeanfreau, YL International and Portfolio Brand Manager





  • Pingback: Build Your Dream with Essential Oils | Essential Oils Advisor

  • My dream is to be a part of seeing people healed from physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual issues and to give people hope! All the glory goes to God!

  • my dream-new house

  • Show the ocean to my children.

  • My dream is to spread the word of good health and help many live long, happy, fulfilling lives!

  • My dream is to preach the gospel, sharing God’s word with everyone I come in contact with. I will also be sharing how God has provided us all things for our lives, including essential oils.

  • My dream is to be a part of something bigger, to keep my family healthy with these amazing oils, and to succeed to spreading awareness about Young Living!

  • My dream is me finally working towards finishing my first degree and finally getting the courage to continue on to law school. I’ll be done with the first part in December, I just need to keep truckin’ on

  • My dream is build my YLEO Business, while having a healthy family

  • My dream is to find a way to live my dream.. I want to be able to help people and live life on my terms… I want to spend time with my family and not have to worry about finances…

  • My dream is to grow my equine massage business and to use YL oils to help me do it!

  • My dream is helping people take charge of their health in a way that is glorifying God. And in the process, to be able to build a business to help take care of my family.

  • My dream is to provide financially for my family when my husband retires from the Navy. So he doesn’t HAVE to go back to work right away. He can then pursue HIS dream!

  • My dream is to be Diamond and beyond so that I can have 80% of my income to be used for ministry and live off of 20%.

  • My Dream is to spread the word about Young Living Products to as many people as I can reach. I dream of people living a healthier and prosperous life with God and Young Living Products.

  • My dream is to be able to give – I just want to be able to give freely – my Dad once wrote – Giving is easy, that’s what I’ve learned – provided the recipient of my giving has also learned – that giving is not giving it’s receiving what I’ve earned!

  • My dream is to bring six new Silvers with me to Convention next year!!!

  • My dream is to see the world, share my voice, and live a happy and healthy life while helping others to do the same. 3

  • My dream is to build by YL business to be able to replace my income and be able to stay at home with my son. I want to homeschool him.

  • My dream? My dream is to pursue a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology for Children and Adolescents so that I can create a year-round retreat center for youth to develop healthy, spiritual coping skills to apply in their every day life. I’ve registered for the GRE and my final required class- its time to make my dream a reality!

  • My dream is to bring awareness to Young Living products as well as the benefits of oils and herbs for living a healthier life. I would also like to be successful in the business building aspect.

  • My dream is to find balance. I work to find balance between multiple jobs, friends, downtime, expanding my knowledge of oils, expanding my business, and tending to me. I’m thankful for Young Living because it definitely helps me move toward more of an equilibrium. I’m working on it.

  • My dream is to show my kids love and build their faith so that they can do anything!

  • My dream is to be able to help my children with they’re dream what ever they maybe

  • To get YLEO in the hands of as many people as possible and help them to realize that there is a better alternative to the chemical-laden world we live in. And to set my family free financially and have us all home together helping others.

  • My dream is to empower my friends and family with knowledge in how yl oils can help them on a daily basis!

  • My dream is for my 5 year old son to be cured of leukemia!!!

  • I would love to win this! My current short term dream is when my Reconnect oils arrive – that they will be life changing for our family! Thanks!

  • My dream is to attend the 2015 convention as a Diamond distributor with Young Living Essential Oils and to share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone while attaining this dream/goal.

  • To make a difference in peoples lives every day!!

  • My dream is to have money to handle anything that life throws at me, freedom to travel and visit with family and friends and happiness to know that my family will always be taken care of.

  • my dream is to be debt free

  • To have better social skills!

  • My dream is to finish college, enjoy my family and health, and to be able to sustain a good life while promoting and sharing Young Living with everyone I meet.

  • My dream is to keep myself and family healthy and happy and to figure out what my “purpose” is.

  • My dream is to raise a happy, healthy and financially stable family with the help of YL oils.

  • My dream would be to supply my family with the necessary oils to promote healing and a healthy lifestyle .,

  • My dream is to be financially free so that I can freely help others to achieve health, talking teaching about nutrtion, advanced bodywork how to live more consciously with within your body, the great gidt of the Young Living essential oils.

  • My dream is to help my son learn to live with his dyslexia and be the best man he can possibly be!

  • My dream is to successfully raise Godly boys, to expand my YL business and to go to collage for the first time in the fall!! (I’m 33 so that’s a big deal)

  • My dream is to find a Young Living member in the Chicago area so that I can start learning more about these amazing oils and start my own business

    • Debbie, where are you located? I’m in the far northwest suburbs.

      • I am in Humboldt Park

  • My Dream is for the growth and wellness of my Family. Also to improve in my position of working with people that have various challenges.

  • until I began using YL I didn’t know what I dreamt for, and through goal setting I began to imagine what life would look like if my husband no longer had to work, my dream is for an early retirement, to have more time with my family, growing and creating our own food and building many many amazing family memories. I love to dream big now, and love to dream often. This oil couldn’t have been more amazing! Love building my own dreams!

  • My dream is to finally finish college at a delayed age…Better late than never! Also to have more financial freedom and be able to save for retirement.

  • As a mother and severe asthma sufferer with a four month old daughter who could potentially have the same health scares as myself, my dream is to give her the healthiest life possible with an all natural and organic lifestyle. While first being introduced to Young Living, I was a skeptic, however; after learning about the amount of harmful chemicals in every day to day products that the mainstream market deem acceptable, including baby food; I have been doing everything in my power to make sure that I am giving her everything that is chemical free. I thank the Lord everyday for Young Living’s impact on my myself and my family.

  • My dream is to raise healthy, confident, productive children, rooted in God’s Word, filling their hearts, minds, and bodies with only the best things. After they are grown, I’d love to live MANY MORE healthy, joyous years with my husband.

  • After losing just about everything (3 lay-offs, health issues, abusive ex, foreclosure…) – essentially all that wasn’t servicing us for the higher good, my dream is to get my 10 year old son (who has autism) and I out of poverty and far away from abusive relationship. We want to manifest a life filled with joy, light, abundance, hope, love and continue to give forward, with help from the great Source, Angels and Guides.

  • My dream is to raise my kids to be happy, healthy, respectful adults! That is my goal, my mission, my purpose and my dream

  • My dream is to end bullying. I was bullied relentlessly as a child, and then again as an adult. The idea that its “ok” to treat others badly and abusively is wrong and needs to be corrected. I wish we lived in a world where we could treat everyone with respect and kindness, even if we didn’t agree with them or like them very much.

  • My dream is to be able to stay home with my kids while building my YL business instead of having to go back to work after our second baby.

  • My dream is the have healthy family and friends!

  • My dream is to learn more about YLEOs and better my life by getting healthier. Introducing YLEO to people who could benefit in making their lives healthier and happier. Get the courage to figure out what to do in my life…

  • My dream is to have children with the man I love, share the miracle of essential oils with all who are open, support small business owners to be successful!

  • My dream is to be debt free

  • My dream is to see the world with my husband, to be financially stable through YL so we can do what we really love

  • My dream is to get my family off all medication.

  • My dream is to have the financial independence to allow both my husband and me to pursue the ways we want to work because we enjoy it (me: YL yoga, him: music) rather than working jobs we hate to make ends meet.

  • My dream is to help support my family and follow the path that God has laid out for my life.

  • My dream is to be a wonderful mom someday!

  • My dream is just to be a good mother and wife, and keep my family happy and healthy

  • Dream to win

  • My dream is to help my family lead a healthier overall lifestyle. Their health and happiness are my number one priority!

  • My dream is to help elderly people with the physical and daily needs they have. Along with that I want to be a source of encouragement to the families providing full time care for the ones they love.

  • My dream is to help provide financial freedom for my family!

  • I dream that my husband will finally get a good job and we can hav our own place get things lined out financially instead of moving from place to place and one bad job to the next.

  • My dream is to help others begin to realize and live their dreams… I have exciting plans in my head that I need financial help to make possible. My program will be revolutionary! This kit would help make these dreams a reality! I AM a dreamer, always have been! 3☆♡ I love YL, it has transformed my life and I know through YL I can help others transform theirs as well!

  • My dream is for a cure for cystic fibrosis so my son can have a normal healthy life. This would also fulfill the dream of less stress debt on my part as a single parent to a child with a terminal disease.

  • My dream is to be debt free and have enough land to be able to offer some to my children

  • Short term we are wanting to go on a “super Fun” vacation cruise or to Europe. We have 7 kiddos so expensive. I LOVE the Build the Dream scent. Makes me crazy. It smells amazing!!

  • My dream is to start living a more chemical free life style along with my family. I have begun that journey with Young living essential oils. I am also excited to begin the business side.

  • My dream is to be financially stable and have my own organic clothing line for families that is affordable to everyone so everyone can be organic. Or at least try to be organic and leave out all pesticides and chemicals from our bodies.

  • My dreams are numerous, but one is to raise our boys to be the men God intended them to be … for HIM.

  • I have a lot of dreams! Live debt free, spend more time with my family, be my own boss, help others and travel!

  • My dream is to get out of debt and also to help others learn about YL oils to improve their lives and their health.
    I would also love for my husband to get off his infusions for RA.

  • My dream is to be successful in life. It doesn’t mean I need to make a ton of money. I just want to make enough to live comfortably and provide for my future family. Mostly though my dream is to have the love of my family and be happy. I am engaged now and planning a wedding, so I am preparing now for that life.

  • My dream is to become the next level up, which is Executive and also help provide financially for my family. Thank you, Young Living!

  • To continue to get us out of debt and to figure out exactly what it is we want to do “when we grow up”

  • My dream is to be financially stable and out of debt so I can work on my dream of missions in Spanish speaking countries.

  • I’d like to build my dream home.

  • My dream is to bring people the peace I’ve discovered within myself and health I achieved through yoga and meditation by teaching it, as my teachers did for me.

  • My dream is to support my family as well as benefit the world.

  • My dream is to travel and share these amazing oils with everyone I come in contact with and talk to. Start classes, do personal calls, educate, educate, and educate!

  • My dream is to learn more about all the oils and live a happy and healthy life~

  • My dream is to build a life of abundance for my friends, family and every person I meet for the rest of my life. We all have to think, why not think abundance? I want to Build a Dream of abundance.

  • My dream is to be debt free and then be able to buy our own pretty, little farm.

  • My dream is to reach the point that my oils are covered for my family, that income would increase to the point that my husband who travels can be home more with our family, BUT MOSTLY…..I want to be able to give away more oils and bless others! If I win this, I will be sharing with my team members because I want them to be able to live their dream also!!

  • My dream is to raise happy, healthy children in a safe and loving environment.

  • My highest desire is to impact so many families with my YL business that my own family has the freedom to travel!

  • My dream is to get my son off all his meds!

  • My dream is to continue to be happy throughout my life. I also would love to have more kids! And in my dream I would love to finish my college education after my enlistment is up in the MNARNG!!!

  • My dream is to quit the corporate world and be able to have my income be 100% from Young Living doing what I love. I’m hoping I can help many people find a more natural route from chemicals and over the counter drugs. I know these oils have changed my life and I’m hoping I may be able to help change many lives.

  • My dream is to live my life to the fullest. To spread love and joy and smiles to as many as I can. To follow God’s word and spread it to as many as I can! And….To teach my children how to do the same.

  • My dream is to find a way to spend more time with my husband and kids!

  • My dream is to have a huge family and not be limited in our giving to others.

  • My Dream is to be able to help others physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually.

  • I’m living my dream RIGHT NOW…health and happiness for me, my family and friends.

  • my dream is to have a contented spirit while showing others how to be grateful and content in their lives, while living each day to the fullest with abundance in all things to be able to share that everywhere!

  • My dream is to be debt free and healthy enough to start a family!

  • My dream is to be able to have only YL products in my home. I know it’s possible but with the current state of the budget, in our home, it is a ‘dream’ at the moment. It is good to dream:)

  • My dream is to move forward since the death of my husband. I want to be able to provide for myself, and share the unique healing powers of the oils to everyone I know. I have been have been experimenting with the oils..Mad scientist in my kitchen. I am so positive the oils work, I bought jars today to start giving away the blends I have come up with that work. Pain relief and skin repair are my passion. I think now I am ready to move forward. World watch out, here I come to clean out your medicine cabinet.

  • My dream is to be financially free! Not to have to worry about money problems would be great.

  • My dream is to be used by God to bring healing to those around me. ..

  • My dream is to be home with my children, give my husband the chance to do what he wants and empower many more families to do the same.

  • To be financially secure so that my husband and I can pursue our dreams of helping others through ministry and missions.

  • My dream is: To do greater things than Jesus did according to HIS word: Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have
    been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I
    am going to the Father. John 14:12.
    According to HIS word: Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. Matthew 10:8

  • My dreams are to be happy, healthy and enjoy family, friends and life.

  • My dream is to retire young, find another amazing career and have a blast with my husband and twin girls while doing it. I have always had a career in service, and I see myself continuing to help others, no matter where the next chapter takes me!

  • My dream is to be a successful interpreter. To continue my work and find a balance to be able to live the life I want and still work.

  • My dream is to be the best teacher that I can be every day. In doing so I hope to inspire my students to be the best that they can be and to change the world!

  • I am on a myriad of medications, as is my husband. I would like to replace those medications that have horrible side effects with these all natural oils, and then be able to use those testimonies of my own to be able to help others make those same changes in their lives. By helping others, I could help provide additional income for my family, making an income based on honest testimonies!

  • My dream is to bring healthy, all natural alternatives and holistic options to as many people as possible! I believe so strongly in it and think everyone should have exposure to it or at least what is available should they choose.

  • My dream is to be a Diamond and go to the YL convention in Dallas 2015 “Hello Texas !”

  • My short term dream is to achieve Si6 by the end of August! My long term dream is to build a business helping people and be able to afford to stay in Alaska when my hubby retires.

  • My dream is to have financial freedom so that we are not scraping by paycheck to paycheck anymore. I want to have the funds to provide for my family, but also abundance to use to bless others! I would love to just be able to buy someone a car right on the spot. Or give them enough to pay off their mortgage, leave $100 tips at restaurants, help struggling single moms put food on the table, or whatever the case may be. Helping others is my passion!

  • My dream is to share the amazing benefits of Young Living Essential Oils with as many people as I can, to create an awareness of alternatives available that do not have harsh side effects, My life has been changed by using YLEO. Maybe by sharing my knowledge I can change someone else’s

  • My dream is to be happy

  • I attended convention this year (and signed up for next year as well!!) and heard so many inspiring testimonials on what the oils have done for so many. My dream is to share, encourage and inspire others to use the oils and experience for themselves all the benefits the oils have to offer!

  • My dream is to retire soon from my J.O.B. and work my YL business full time! I have been so thrilled with all my results from the oils and supplements that I just want to tell the world!

  • My dream is to be a good and faithful servant of God and for my children one who dreams of being an author.

  • I dream of world peace, love, joy, and harmony. I dream that all will have health and financial abundance.

  • My dream is to be in a place where I can show my children what happiness is in life, no matter where they are or what they are doing. I want them to be successful in everything they do. And I want to do a lot of traveling and see more of the world.

  • My dream is to teach my daughter self respect, self confidence, and to love and love fully and completely. Also , I want to be able to provide for my family always!

  • To be financially secure so we can relax and enjoy the rest of our lives.

  • My dream is to open up a retreat center for summer camps and other venues. I want a huge property filled with horses and beautiful places for people to sit and pray.

  • My dream is to live a happy and healthy life and that my life would be an example to my children, family and friends. My dream is to know everything about these wonderful oils so that I can educate people the way I am being taught and that we will change the world.

  • My dream is to be able to further God’s kingdom through oils, to be financially secure, home school my boys as long as they want to be home, own a home in Florida with season passes to Walt Disney World, to raise my boys knowing there are alternatives to modern health care and to help others understand that you can have all you dream about with Young Living! Also, my short term dream is to earn Silver in 6!!!

  • My dream is to use Young Living to keep my family healthy and to provide extra income for my household.

  • My dream is to better understand my daughter and connect well with her to set better harmony in our family and also to set her up for success in life.

  • My dream is to travel with my family all together!

  • My dream is to be financially stable so I can help everywhere I want. To help my son pay of his student loans and other loans we have. To visit my parents more often. To help others fulfill their dream.

  • My dream is to become a Royal Crown Diamond by next convention so that I can retire from my job and truly give back and bless others.

  • My dream is to have a rainbow baby after our three year old passing away this past February.

  • My dream is to become a doula and bring some much needed birth support to the families in my area.

  • My dream is to be a Healer, in whichever form the Universe has destined for me, and I believe that YLEO are going to be a huge component of this dream!

  • I dream to live a life of passion on grace and to be able to help my loved ones. My next dream is to become an executive and then get to silver in 6!

  • My dream to to provide an overall healthy lifestyle for my family and encourage my friends! Through this I desire to financially contribute to my families income and provide more for fun activities and vacations.

  • My dream is to be debt free and to have time freedom with my family!

  • My dream is to be able to send all 4of my kids to college without going I to debt

  • My dream is health and happiness for my family

  • My dream is to be able to send my parents on a cruise that they’ve wanted for 20 years. They deserve it!

  • My dream is to feel that I am meeting my full potential in everything I do. That I know I am fully embracing the plan God has for my life with a thankful heart. And that what I do is fulfilling to me and those I work with. That I am continually providing financial stability and love to my family.

  • My dream is to help others learn about the wonderful world of Young Living oils and to provide financially for my family since my husband has been unemployed for 3 years due to a disability.

  • My dream is first and foremost to help my family and people I see in need and also to bring in enough income to be able pay off debt, to do fun things with my family,and go on nice vacations.

  • My dream is to provide ongoing financial support for our “House of Joy” Orphanage in Nepal AND have supplemental income for ourselves for retirement.

  • To make a positive impact on others lives

  • My dream is to help children and their cargivers know there are alternatives to harsh meds for ADHD and to use all natural resources for healing. I would like to see teachers use the oils within the classroom.

  • I have decided to stop doing in home daycare after 32 years and focus on building my Young Living business. My dream is to provide for my family financially so that my husband can retire and we can live peacefully, all while sharing the good news of God’s amazing gifts of essential oils!!

  • To vacation in Alaska

  • I would love to continue to grow my Young Living business and teach more about the oils and their benefits.

  • My dream is being able to give and serve others in any way that Brings the Glory to God!

  • My dream is to write a book and have it published.

  • My dream is to be able to help people by letting them see how the oils can help them more than medicine.

  • My dream is to first regain my health using Young Living oils. Then to share YL with others so that they can regain, or maintain, their health. Being able to build a business and get out of debt is just an added bonus.

  • My dream is to have a child and to be a stay at home mom.

  • My dream is to live near the beach. I am researching careers. Currently, I am a teacher, rather disappointed in the public education system. I want to be happy in my job again knowing full well that every job has it’s “bad days”. Praying for God’s will to show itself soon.

  • Hope to one day Have my Wife Completely off her Biologic Medications that are poisoning her , The R.A. and Fibromyalgia treatments really are killing her, So I dream of getting an Oil regime that will allow her to go all natural, treatments to ease her suffering and remedy her Ailments as much as possible.

  • My dream is to be financially independent and give back to my amazing husband who has worked so had serving his country for 24 years in the Navy and now even after retirement he still working a 50 to 60 hour job. I would like him to be able to relax and not worry about finances.

  • My dream is for my life to settle down at some point in the future

  • I’ve always wanted to help people and animals. Young Living is everything and my dream is to make a career within this company and to truly help…not as I’ve been doing in healthcare for the last ten years! I can’t wait to give back more!

  • My dream is to provide for my family, pay off our house, send my son to college and start a non profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families realize their full potential.

  • My dream is to be financially able to leave my 8-5 job and share my love of oils with everybody.

  • My dream is to share my love for these oils to everyone I know or meet. These have changed my life as well as my family’s life. With 4 small girls its always hard to juggle who is sick and who is going to the doctor. Since starting them 5 months ago none of us have nmbeen to the doctor except for well visits! That in my book is true greatness!

  • My dream is to build my business so my husband can quit his job and stay home and work with me. We have three boys all under three and this would teach them to think outside the box with their career, that we don’t all have to be slaves to a 40 year career and that if you dream big it is possible to achieve your dreams!

  • My dream is to finish school at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, heal my back injury and move into financial freedom by utilizing Young Living oils and products to help heal the world!

  • My dream is to be completely debt free and to buy a house and start a family.

  • I have lots of dreams and they all involve helping children, making an impact in their lives. Have any teaching positions open in Ecuador!?

  • My dream is to heal this chronic illness I have had for 20 years using my YL oils. Heal my children one with autism and one with trauma from birth. She is adopted and had a horrible first few months of life. I believe my oils can heal us all. Then my dream is to teach others about the healing of essential oils.

  • To pay off my student loans while sharing and helping people using YLEO’s!

  • My dream is to see my mom’s mental health and emotional health to be restored through her uses of the oils! I would love to help her build a team that will allow her to have her oils covered by commissions each month, so that they would not cost her to use them!

  • I am living my dream…helping others, enjoying family and making the most of my life–here and now! YL oils are helping me, my family and anyone who will listen to me about the “magic” of YL essential oils stay healthy, strong, and focused.

  • My dream is for my daughters to use the oils to be and feel better and be healthy and happy for years and years

  • My dream is to help others find ways to help them feel the best they can.

  • financial freedom and the ability to support family in overseas missions

  • To continue to expand on offering Young Living to the world and growing in self expression, freedom and abundance and inspiring others to do the very same!

  • my dream is to be free of financial burden and own our dream home

  • My dream is to combine my business education, consulting experience with my commitment to alternative healing and well being. Young Living Essential Oils are a very important piece of my business plan.

  • My dream is to be so financially set that I can retire from my day job, reduce all debt and my children will never have to worry about college or grad school, while living a healthy happy life!

  • My Dream is to be able to work from home, centering around #YoungLiving, and living a very healthy and fulfilling life. With this Dream I visualize myself being able to provide for my family, possibly home schooling my little one, and being available all the time for my families needs. #Buildingmydream is to share and help others on their journey through life as naturally and healthy as #YoungLiving provides us with the best #essentialoils.

  • I want to share YLEO’s with as manypeople as I can. They have helped me get my health back and I want that for others. Also spiritually we were meant to live in the Garden of Eden. YLEO’s help recreate that atmosphere so we can connect or reconnect with God.

  • My dream is to be debt free and have total control over what my income is used for. I would give more to missions and take more international missions trips.

  • My dream is to join my wife at home supporting our Young Living business. She “retired” from her full time teaching position this past Spring and is not going to return this Fall. Cannot wait to work along side her helping others find out what YL Oils can do for them.

  • My dream is to open an organic restaurant, serve organic smoothies and diffuse Young Living Oils in the smoothie bar area!!

  • I am building a business as an accessibility consultant (helping to remove barriers in websites and apps for people with disabilities). I want to have a large enough base to move into the business full-time.

  • My dream is to educate myself to be able to share with others a more natural way of caring for our bodies minds.

  • My dream has always been to own my own house. Finally, after 30+ years of marriage and major career changes, my husband and I were able to purchase our first home. BUT we have a 30 year mortgage and only 10 years to retirement. My dream: to pay off this house (and our other debts) before we retire so that my hard-working husband doesn’t have to work so hard any more. He has been working since he was 12 years old, and has worked at least two jobs for most of our marriage so that I could stay home to raise our 6 children. I have often worked part-time jobs, but never full-time since the children started coming. He deserves this.

  • My dream is to get out of student loan debt ($60,000) and to be able to financially contribute more equally to my living needs (home, groceries, bills) as right now, my partner covers all of that for me because I do not make enough money. I want to be able to help lift some of our financial burden off of his shoulders.

  • My dream is big! I dream of a lifetime of health using YLO. I hope to show others how to lead healthy lives and prosper!

  • My Dream is to be healthy again. I am new to the oils am eager to share my testimony with others. Thank you.

  • My dream is to help my 4 year old overcome his apraxia! And to start my own organizing business.

  • My dream is to continue to share the wonderful essential oils I keep learning more about.

  • My dream is to see YLEO introduced and used with the patient’s at my hospice facility. And also to continue serving families by helping them learn more about YLEO and reach the point where I can cut back my hours working as a nurse to be home more with my children!

  • My dream is to live a full healthy life and help my family do the same.

  • My dream is healthy family, healthy friends, healthy country, and healthy world!

  • My dream is to encourage others to take charge of their health, as well as earn a little extra income while doing so!

  • My Dream is to provide for my family! Right now we’re in the process of needing to find a home! We move out in 8 days… God will take care of everything we need!

  • My dream is to be able to take care of my children and our bills without feeling buried under by debt!

  • My dream is to be happy and healthy

  • My dream is to be able to provide more financially for my family so my husband isn’t so stressed and I am working on my dream of being off of all of my diabetes medications!!!

  • My dream is to help my children, and other children, live a better life. My son has several “issues” as do the students I work with. I’d love to find oils that help them be happy and successful!

  • My dream is to keep my family healthy and happy.

  • My dream is to become financially independent and own a home in the country where we can escape city pollution and grow our own food and energy. And build a community there.

  • My dream is to be a healthier me for my husband, children and grandchildren and to past that health on to them so we can all be healthier for Christ’s Glory and a good testimony for Him.

  • My dream is to have my family eating clean and using all natural products with YL oils as the base!:)

  • I work as a special education Paraprofessional (teacher aide) and make very little. My husband will be retiring within the next 5 years and I need to be able to help support us and still do the work I love.

  • To provide for my family and to start my own nonprofit where spirit and oils connect to help and heal people!!!!!

  • My dream is to see my 4 children grow into happy, healthy, responsible adults. It is my hope that by providing a them the opportunity to use and incorporate oils into their current daily lives, they will continue to always ask questions and look for the most natural and healthy path in life.

  • My dream an Everyday Oil Kit in Every Home!! I want everyone to experience the gifts Young Living provides to my family’s health and finances Truly transforming!!!

  • My dream is for our family to be financially independent, so that we can be more available to God’s Kingdom.

  • My dream is to get this single mother thing figured out; to find a job that provides the financial means I need, but also allows me to spend the quality time I need to raise my girls and to be happy; to fully trust God and let Him lead me to where I’m supposed to be.

  • My dream is to retire and move to South Carolina and live in a nice house on the water.

  • My dream is to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

  • My dream is to work another 5-6 years and have my home paid for.

  • seeing as I will be a new mom in three weeks or so, my dream, like so many other here are financial. I set short term, and long term dreams, short term I would LOVE to have maybe five people sign up under me, so that I may begin to use some of the income to pourchase oils, and be able to utilize them properly with my baby on the way! good luck to everyone!

  • I have several but the most important one to me is to see my family be forever changed, released and healed from physical, emotional, spiritual and mental strongholds that keep them weak and bound to a life that is less than what is truly intended for them.

  • My dream is to be debt free, off the grid and growing our own food.
    Would love to provide for others less fortunate too

  • My dream is to provide for my family, help others feel better and help them reach their dreams as well!

  • My dream is to not live paycheck to paycheck anymore. and to have my whole family healthy. and to share young Living with all

  • My dream is to win the lottery so I can have my own practice and to help others emotionally through massage, raindrop and other therapies.

  • Beautiful collection. Congrats on 20 years! Excited about what the next 20 will hold.

    • Oh, and my dream is to share health and freedom with as many as possible!

  • My dream is to make my mom healthy and improve her quality of life! She has a terminal liver disease and fights everyday. I have been using YL to help achieve my Dream!!

  • My dream is for my kids to be healthy, happy and successful! And my husband and I to someday retire in SD.

  • My dream is to inspire the world to live a naturally healthy lifestyle without harmful medicine poisoning our body and be able to provide finacially for my family while doing so.

  • My dream is to get my yoga teacher certification and incorporate the use of Young Living Essential Oils so I can spread the word of using oils to better your life!

  • My dream is to pay off my house and enjoy natural life with my husband. I use Essential oils everyday in my life. Helps with chronic pain, acne, relaxation….. My husband has embraced this life as well.

  • My dream is to help free my husband from continuos shoulder pain from our lawn care business we have had for 15 years-his life dream others told us we would fail at. He strives daily to provide and has more than out worked himself. We now have chosen to start another dream with young living. My dream for us- to build a business where the physical part for my husband isn’t wrecking his body anymore.
    God bless the team of young living

  • After my husband was killed in Afghanistan I lost hope of all my dreams and now I’m just starting to gain some of my dreams back. I’m just taking one day at a time trying to help others feel good about themselves sharing my love for oils and fitness. The biggest dream I’ve had in awhile is to continue to grow my business.

  • I want to travel the world with my family and send my children to college so the don’t have to work, just focus on education.

  • My dream is to live healthy and pain free using YL

  • My dream is that my husband and I will be Royal Crown Diamonds, which will help us become financially independent and available to travel the world and share our wealth of knowledge of Young Living and how the oils have impacted our lives, along with sharing to the world all about how to eat better, making every household a healthy home!!

  • My dream is to help those suffering with PTSD and ADHD/ADD/Autism.

  • My dream is to open an organic restaurant with my family. To have a garden in the back were we grow the produce that makes it to the table. A place that supports local farms, and makes everything from scratch. A place my kids will have their first real jobs in. A place that has a little shelf devoted to these “magic oils” that helped make it all happen.

  • My dream for this life is to be happy and healthy for me, my family and friends.

  • I am still waiting to be signed up and get my premium starter kit.
    I would love to have this as well!!!!

  • I also dream to provide financially for my family through my oil selling and my invention the Caboosee baby onesie!

  • my dream is twofold:
    1. my mom and grandma dies from blood clots in their legs, breaking free and going to their heart and lungs, respectively. my mom was only 54. my goal #1 is to use essential oils everyday to reduce my risk of blood clots.
    2. my goal #2 is to use the oils on my kids so that when they’re my age (36) and even my dad’s age (64) they won’t require the use of tons of medications.

    • *sigh* typo. died, not dies. :/

  • My dream is to share the wisdom of Young Living’s essential oils with the world. And while doing it, to get my family out of debt, help pay for my younger son’s college education and then give back in all the ways I feel led to.

  • My dream is to use the oils to support the health my family and others. Also, to support my income!

  • My dream is to have financial freedom and health. I so look forward to the day that I can be a financial blessing to others that are in need.

  • My dream is to prosper in YL creating a balanced person and life and help raise the earth and her inhabitants consciousness and frequency. By doing great this with my abundance I can take care of me and mine and give substantial amounts of time and money to others and causes

  • To be healed from autoimmune disease, ulcerative colitis and arthritis. For my son to be healed from Autism.

  • To be a birth photographer is my dream.

    • And for that to provide financially for our family.

  • My dream is to focus on my blessings, not my “wants”. I need to re-connect myself with my husband and enjoy life. I need to continue raising 3 healthy fabulous kids. I need to re-connect the family in a spiritual life. Once I put my intent out, all good things will follow.

  • My dream – to be healthy and not to rely on western medicine for my hypertension / diabetes, to provide financially for myself and mum who’s living with me and to help others (pass it on) as others have helped me ^^

  • My dream is financial freedom and the ability to do the things I choose.

  • My dream is to share the benefits of YLEOs to everyone I can!
    earning enough money so I can continue to stay home and take create of my terminally ill husband and not have to get an away from home job would be great too!

  • My dream is to learn to dream. This is not something I am good at and want to start dreaming.

  • My dream is to share with 2,000 others before convention next year. My dream is to help our family’s finances and to be a blessing to my husband in this way. My dream is that every extended family member starts to experience health with my YLEO’s!!

  • My Dream is to be able to retire from my full-time job (with in the next two years) I enjoy sharing my Young Living products with my Family, Friends, Co-workers, Neighbors and Anyone that will listen! I know that I have inspired a few people to make healthier choices and it is a great feeling! I hope to be able to continue to inspire a few more!

  • My dream is to heal my husband’s combat injuries and improve his quality of life. Conventional medicine falls short.

  • My dream is to build our house… but even more so, just for my family to stay/get healthy!

  • My dream is to help keep my family healthier without all of the chemicals and prescriptions our world relies on.

  • My dream is to build my own business where I can pursue my passion of helping people become healthier by balancing mind, body and spirit. I am also dreaming of being Silver by convention 2015.

  • My dream is to be able to help others learn about the amazing gift of essential oils that God has provided for us while helping to provide for my own family. My BIG dream is to quit my stressful full-time job and educate others full-time instead. I want to LIVE my passion!!

  • My dream is to get out of the horrible financial situation I am in and then to help others in need by sharing these healing oils.

  • My dream is that my natural childbirth/healthy living business takes off to a point where I can stay home with my family!

  • I would love to become a spiritual healer and heal people with the oils. I have learned a little of the Rain Drop Therapy and would love to continue learning. I believe in all of the oils and want to continue to learn all of the benefits to help myself and others.

  • My dream is to find and then own our own home!

  • My dream is to help my 2 daughters who have autism to achieve daily goals and to be healthy. I just started getting into oils a couple months ago. Hoping to make it my career. Where I live we do not have places for my children to go so I can work. No one is certified so I recently had to leave my job to become a stay at home mom and take care of them. I love being home with them but need money to financially support their needs. So my other dream is to make enough money selling oils so I can do that.

  • My dream is to be the best person I can be to my family, friends, and all others.

  • My dream is to start to build a family. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and it’s been 2 1/2 weeks since I had a total hysterectomy. I do not have any children so my husband and I will hopefully be successful with adoption. My YLEOs are just one of the many things that helps with the balance and healing of the many obstacles we have been given.

  • My dream is to provide my children with a life of health, happiness and peace while being a strong and successful role model for them.

  • My dream is become knowledgeable and successful enough to be able help people with their health issues now but especially during the time when my husband retires and we go for a long mission to one of the third world countries where there is a lot of need

  • My dream is to overcome PTSD and give back to those who struggle with it. Also, to be the best mommy, wife, and teacher I can be.

  • My dream would be to have a happy, healthy family and to keep helping others 3 and never stop dreaming 3

  • My dream is to be as healthy as I can be. For my family to be as healthy as they can be. To teach my children to live a healthier lifestyle than I have so that they are able to avoid early heart, joint and diabetic problems. My dream is to be financially comfortable. To not worry about where the money is coming from and to be able to help out our children when they need it and ,yet, teach them responsible spending. My dream is share oils with family and friend so that they can find relief from health concerns.

  • I dream of helping others with these amazing oils and using their healing powers as an opening to spread the gospel of Jesus! Glory to God in the Highest!

  • My dream is to build a worship center that is open 24/7
    So people alway have a place to worship

  • My dream is to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle and make the right choices for their families!

  • My dream is to create an all natural healing center. Also to plant a Forrest

  • My dream is to live a life full of wellness, purpose, and abundance. I want to provide for my family financially, and leave a legacy for my daughter. It is because of my sweet 2 year old that I continue to find new ways to love Young Living and the products. I want to be in the best health I can be so I can be around and in her life as long as the Lord allows. Being a part of the Young Living family has given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people that are all supportive and want me to achieve my goals. In just a few short days I will be accomplishing one of the biggest dreams I have ever had and that is to graduate from college. Young Living Essential Oils have been amazing in providing me with energy, focus, and confidence to do my best. I ♡ this company and everything it stand for!

  • My dream is to help as many people as I can all around the world. Teaching them how to care for their families proactively. The Freedom to travel all over the world to see family, friends and tram members. Living to art least 120 years old healthy and sliding into heaven saying “wow! Life was a fun ride! Thanks Jesus!”

  • I have so many dreams going on in my head right now. I dream of being able to help my entire family be healthy and active. I dream of contributing to the world with my finances (charities/philanthropy) I dream of traveling and spending time with those I love in all the amazing places this world has to offer. I dream of making a big impact on the world with my life. So many more but I’ll keep it short.

  • My dream is to become financially debt free and to make peace with some issues with my past so I can look forward to the future without doubt and fear.

  • My dream is to get my health issues behind and live a life of giving.

  • My dream is to experience balance in all areas of my life, to become debt free, and to be used by God to make difference in the world.

  • My dream is to promote health and wellness to people everywhere in the world. I want to change people’s lives through essential oils, proper nutrition, and self-love!

  • My dream is to live my life to the fullest. Living in the moment, being healthy happy while sharing my passion with others!

  • My dream is to support good health for my children and husband!

  • My dream is to bring as many people as I can to know God. To trust that Jesus is their savior, and they can one day achieve everlasting life. Young Living oils will help open the possibility of a bigger spiritual awakening! Thank you Young Living!!!

  • My dream is to one day hear my son tell me that he loves me. You see, my son is six years old, autistic, and nonverbal. He has never talked. It is my dream that one day he may be able to say those words.

  • My dream is to become successful in my Arbonne business so I have the financial freedom to stay home with my 21 month old son and be able to keep up with a garden and take care of more things for my husband so he has a little bit ofa break!

  • My dream is to cute my childrens leaky gut and in the meantime we love using oils to help their journey!

  • My dreams are plentiful – first, is to help my parents with there medical condissions with Young Living products, second, provide a sound, stable, home for my wife and child, third, retire and enjoy life, in ways I can’t while working…

  • My dream is to be finaciallt free and be able to enjoy life with no restraints!

  • My dream is to be a financially stable stay at home mom.

  • My dream is to continue to learn more to improve the health of myself and others.

  • My dream is to homeschool my children and be able to show them the world. i want to teach them much more than they can learn in schoolbooks.

  • My dream is to live a simple sustainable life with my family on our little farm, to live in harmony with those around me, and to fly fish the best spots everywhere.

  • My dream is to have two beautiful kids and be able to stay home with them to help build their faith in God.

  • My dream is to help provide for my family, so we don’t have to struggle anymore. And that I can do that by helping others achieve their dreams and get healthy by using Young Living Oils.

  • My dream is to use the tools that God has given me to build relationships and serve others. If God continues to use YL in my family’s life for our health and for so many others’ health, and if He chooses to use this as a source of income for us, then I humbly want to get back in the field of Autism (left only to become a homemaker) and continue working with those families affected, while still focusing on my own family. Everyone deserves to pursue their dreams; some need a little more encouragement than others.

  • my dream is to share health and wealth with all the people in my life, past, present and future, and Young Living will make it happen

  • My dream is to get off all the Man made meds by using Young Livings essential oils!!

  • My dream is to do God’s Will. My husband I have many dreams for our family and we just hope that in fulfilling those dreams, (having children, living in the country and providing for ourselves with our land, etc) we are doing God’s will.

  • My dream is to use Young Living to help my toddler daughter tackle her many allergies and avoid the path to asthma so that she can enjoy all the things that toddlers and kids should enjoy!

  • My dream is to become debt free so I can not have so much stress and I won’t have to work so much anymore.

  • My dream is to make a positive difference in the lives of people I meet. I want them to know that I truly care about them, and I want them to know the love of Christ. I want them to understand the enormous difference Young Living Essencial Oils can make in their lives.

  • My dream is to be financially secure and not always barely keeping my nose above water. I want to be able to help my family when they need it.

  • My dream is to be living in a foreign country with my husband and children where we all are spreading the name and love of Jesus to those that have never had the chance to hear.

  • My dream to be successful with Young Living Essential Oils. I dream of helping others find the same relief I have found with this oils.

  • I dream of being a calmer mom who can help her family live healthier happier.

  • My dream is to be able to retire early with my husband (he is 10 years older) on the income provided by YL and to travel seeing the family and the world.

  • My dream is to sleep all night long without toddlers waking up and crying for no apparent reason!!

  • My dream is to bring the healing power of Young Living oils to all those in need, particularly those who suffer with mental illness, as I do. The oils are helping me live a more pill free life.

  • My dream is that God will continue to use me to advance His dream…. seeing others come to Christ and have ETERNAL life!! I love Young Living!!!

  • My dream is to have my hubby work from home with me and to maintain the lifestyle we have now!!!!

  • My dream is to build a community which is helping and healing with Oils, Energy work and other alternative methods people all around the globe. Especially to be able to help those in need. Everyone should be able to live their dream…it is about time

  • I have so many dreams and at convention I saw this oil and the awesome box ( which is in my kitchen holdibg my favorite oils) and bought it. I LOVE LOVE this oil. My dream is to learn more about the oils and to be able to share the message with my friends and family, and meet others because of this dream. I wear tjis oil so my dreams cone true!!!

  • My dream is to reach my highest potential and to be all that God intends for me. I am close to reaching Silver in my Young Living Business, but I don’t want to dream to small. I am shooting for the stars! I want to be Platinum by the 2015 Convention. I don’t just want to reach my goals, I want my whole team to reach their goals! I love this new essential oil and hope to win more of it!

  • My dream is to get completely well from a long term illness, and continue to spread the word about how much the essential oils have helped me. I would like to start doing shows this year, and have more training for my downline.

  • My dream is to publish a book.

  • My dream is to have Young Living in my life to help heal my soul and body .

  • My dream is to continue to grow my YL business in a manner that helps me reach every family out there struggling with something they the medical community has failed them on….most specifically AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS! I believe with that goal and priority in mind, the business side with take care of itself! Blessing! Along the way I feel I will find the answers I am looking for with some personal health issues as well!

  • My dream is to be able to be completely debt free and be able to retire my husband and help other low income families live out their dreams

  • I dream of being able to provide for my family and also sharing Young Living with the world..

  • My DREAM is to own my own home and live a healthy life.

  • My dream is to empower my friends and family to live their best life with Young Living products. And to pay my student loans off faster, continue staying home and homeschooling, and to live a happier, healthier life.

  • My dream is keep raising our vibrations to a higher level so that we let go of violence as a society. In the meantime, I teach ways to individually take care of ourselves through yoga, energy work and YL essential oils.

  • My dream is to really grow my YL family. The bigger it is, the greater the number of people that I have helped live a healthier, happier life.

  • My dream is to be able to use YLEO to stay off pain meds long enough to assist, teach, and enjoy my children. Maybe even grandchildren.

  • My dream is to reinvent my purpose to help others by enriching their lives. I met with my upline today to discuss how to become a distributor. I’m looking forward in making a plan to share these oils and fulfill God’s plan in my life.

  • My dream is to make my family happier and healthier with Young Living.

  • My dream is to be happy and healthy and give back to others and inspire them to do more with their lives… I have loved the journey so far with Young Living, it has given me back much of my health and allowed me to focus on the things that are really important to me! I hope that I can give that gift to others through the use of the products, but also with encouraging words and support and guidance.

  • My dream is to be able to continue to be a stay at home mom without the financial worries.

  • My dream is to live a life of peace and comfort but more importantly to make a positive impact on all the people I get to encounter

  • My dream is to continue to have a healthy family; spiritual, physical and emotional.

  • My dream is to live a healthy lifestyle without medication and share with others. I learned it’s my dream and no one can take it away.

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