Hands-on Learning with a Tasty DIY!

May 26th, 2014 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Summer is finally here, and many children are excited for the start of three months of freedom and sunshine. Keep them busy with a fun activity while helping them explore essential oils.

It’s never too early to teach the children in your life about the power of Young Living products; and the best way to start is with a fun, hands-on experience that makes an impression.

Today I’m sharing the first of several posts that focus on children’s activities that can be both fun and educational. Whether supervising or participating, you and the kids are guaranteed a fun time. Enjoy!




Add Lemon and Citrus Fresh essential oils to the lemon juice. Puree berries and add to the lemon juice mixture. Stir well. Add 3 cups of water, stir, and taste. If flavor is too strong, add another cup of water. If too tart, stir in your choice of sweeteners—Stevia, Blue Agave, Yacon Syrup, or raw sugar, as desired. Chill before serving. Add sliced fruit and ice cubes to serve.

I will be adding more recipes to this series and would love your help. Send your favorite kid-friendly recipe to grusso@youngliving.com. If your recipe is posted, you will receive a KidScents® Lotion. You can also follow us at #revOILution for recipes, tips, and ideas.

So, put your feet up, let your kids serve you a glass of Berry Fresh Lemonade, and enjoy Young Living’s “revOILutionary” difference!

—Gloria Russo, Young Living International and Portfolio Brand Manager

Article source: https://blog.youngliving.com/hands-on-learning-with-a-tasty-diy/