Essential Oils & Exercise Part 2: Workout/Post-Workout

Aug 23rd, 2013 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

This is the second article of a two-part series on how to incorporate Young Living essential oils and essential oil-infused products into an exercise routine. This post will focus on during and post-workout.

Now that you are all warmed up with the pre-workout suggestions found in the post Essential Oils Exercise Part 1, it’s time to begin your workout! When working out it is important to remember three things: technique, hydration, and recovery.

Proper technique and form help you avoid injury and maximize results. A vital part of proper technique is how you breathe. During aerobic exercises, get your breathing into a pattern; when training with weights, exhale when exerting.

Keep Breathe Again™ close by to help open nasal passages. Know your limitations and don’t overdo it. If you are new to this type of exercise, start out with a basic workout.

The importance of staying hydrated cannot be understated. Keeping your body properly hydrated helps flush out the toxins that are released when working out. Adding a few drops of Peppermint essential oil to your water keeps you alert during your workout.

Once you’ve finished your workout, be sure to cool down and stretch the worked muscle groups to avoid injury. Drinking Pure Protein Complete™ after a workout delivers much-needed, essential oil-infused amino acids to muscles that have been broken down and worked. Protein also helps build enzymes that help your body adapt to sports that require endurance, such as running or biking.

When your muscles are fatigued, the use of Deep Relief™ Roll-on and PanAway® is encouraged. These essential oil blends should be a must-have in your gym bag and work to help soothe sore and tight muscles. Apply these as desired when you feel discomfort.

Lastly, don’t forget to supplement. Finish off your workout with a 2-oz. shot of NingXia Red® along with True Source™, an essential oil-infused multivitamin packed with nutrient-dense superfruits, plants, and vegetables that will deliver a full-spectrum of bioactive vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to your body. Follow that up with a Slique Bar to minimize hunger cravings between meals and you have the endings of a perfect workout.

Finally, don’t forget your Thieves® Wipes to wipe down machines and to keep yourself and others safe from germs.

We hope this series has helped you discover the myriad ways to infuse your workouts with the benefits of Young Living products. Please visit the comments section and share other Young Living products you like to use when working out!


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