Five Secrets to Having More Energy and Vitality, part II

Nov 7th, 2011 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Having more energy can be easier than you think. With a steady practice of movement, sound, meditation, and Young Living essential oils, you can raise your energy levels and become happier in a matter of moments.

Energy Secret No. 2

As we continue from the Energy Secret blog last month, we step down from the ether element and throat chakra and come to the heart chakra, located at the center of the chest. The heart chakra, which is ruled by the air element, is the center for compassion, joy, and forgiveness. The air element thrives with regular movement, laughter, and fun.

This chakra rules our ability to love, accept, and forgive. Incorporating any of the below mentioned essential oils, along with the energy exercise, will transform intolerant, critical, or judgmental tendencies into inspiration, forgiveness, and motivation. It also helps open the heart more fully.

Essential oil recommendations for balancing the heart chakra include jasmine, lavender, rose, Forgiveness™ and Joy™.

Follow these steps while sitting, standing, or walking:

  • Apply your desired essential oil directly to your heart area. Remember: If you have sensitive skin, use a few drops of Young Living’s V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex to dilute.
  • Deeply inhale the essential oil and state your intention for doing this exercise.
  • With the fingertips of one or both hands, firmly and rapidly tap the upper center of your chest, just below your throat, while singing the sound “HUUUUUUUUUU” (pronounced hue) in a higher pitch than your normal talking voice. Don’t be shy with your volume; be loud and proud!
  • After you practice this for at least two minutes, take a few moments in stillness and silence and observe your physical sensations.

Try this practice on your daily walk or jog and, as always, feel free comment on your personal results.

Here’s to having more fun and having more energy!


Tracy Griffiths

This and more energy exercises and yoga techniques combined with Young Living essential oils can be found in Aroma Yoga® by Tracy Griffiths and Ashley Turner. Tracy Griffiths is passionate about bringing Young Living Essential Oils and natural healing principles to people all over the world. She founded Grace Aroma Wellness and co-directs the Life Energy Institute in California. Tracy is a Registered Polarity Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Craniosacral Unwinding Therapist, Certified Aromatherapy Technician and instructor. Visit http:// for more tips on using Young Living Essential Oils with your yoga practice.

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on Monday, November 7th, 2011 at 1:04 PM and is filed under Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, How to Use Essential Oils.
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