Five Secrets to Having More Energy and Vitality, part I

Oct 18th, 2011 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

I recently spoke at the 2011 Convention as a member of Young Living Essential Oils’ Integrative Health Professional Council on a panel with Dr. Carolyn De Marco, Dr. Peter Minke, Dr. Dan Purser, and Dr. Edward Close. We shared some of the ways we use essential oils with our patients and clients to improve energy and vitality. In the spirit of keeping this conversation going with all of you, here is my first in a series of five secrets to having more energy and vitality:

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with feelings of anger or sadness or are you stuck in a judgmental state? Although impossible for me to know all of the reasons for these feelings, I do have a solution that can assist you in overcoming these challenges. Using the correct essential oils and utilizing the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether via polarity exercises and yoga postures can keep your energy moving. This will assist you in having greater internal resources available for making necessary shifts and improving the fun and levity of life!

According to polarity therapy, a system for healing based on ayurvedic medicine, each element corresponds to certain emotions coupled with specific body-mind connections. Introducing the sense of smell through the use of essential oils allows the limbic system to be addressed through stimulation. Because the limbic system is where the brain stores all emotional memory, this is vital for releasing stuck or dormant emotions.

Energy Secret No. 1
Ether is the element needed for stimulating, activating, harmonizing, and balancing all of the other elements. Without ether, the rest of the elements won’t function properly. A sore throat, an indication that ether is out of sync, can be caused by not speaking our truth, difficulty asking for what we need and want, holding back grief, or feeling like you just don’t have any space in your life.

Essential oil recommendations for balancing ether includes frankincense, lavender, peppermint, Believe™, Thieves®, Deep Relief™ and Valor®.

Follow these steps to balance your ether:

  • Kneel on the ground or sit in a chair.
  • Put a drop of one of the essential oils listed above in your left palm. Slowly rub your hands together, evenly distributing the oils on your palms and inhale the scent deeply for at least three long, deep breaths. Take this moment to set the intention for cultivating a feeling of more spaciousness and for clearly and freely expressing yourself.
  • On your next exhalation, open your mouth as wide as you can. Exhale through your nose and mouth and stick out your tongue comfortably, with your tongue curving down toward your chin. Hold your breath and pull in your abdomen. Open your eyes widely, looking slightly upward and stretch out the muscles of your face. Remain in this posture for at least 5–10 seconds.
  • Repeat the inhalation of your oiled palms and repeat 2–3 times. Yes, you will look a little funny, but who cares? Have fun with it!

A strong desire to yawn a lot after going through this process is good; it is a signal that your body is releasing stagnant energy. As you practice this exercise, you may notice a reduction in eye strain, your voice may improve, and you may have more courage to speak up for yourself.

The next energy secret I will reveal is on the air element and opening your heart.

For more tips on having more energy, click this link to check out my book that I co-wrote with Ashley Turner called Aroma Yoga® How to Use Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice.

Tracy Griffiths

Tracy Griffiths, author of Aroma Yoga ®: A Guide For Using Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice, is deeply passionate about bringing Young Living Essential Oils and natural healing principles to people all over the world. She founded and directs Grace Aroma Wellness and the Life Energy Institute in Topanga, California. Tracy is a Registered Polarity Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Craniosacral Unwinding Therapist, Certified Aromatherapy Technician and yoga teacher.

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on Tuesday, October 18th, 2011 at 12:31 PM and is filed under Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, How to Use Essential Oils, Nutrition with Essential Oils.
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