Finding Strength and Comfort through Essential Oils

Jul 26th, 2011 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

This week we have a very special and personal post from Tracy Griffiths, a member of our Integrated Health Professionals Council (IHPC). Each month our IHPC members submit a topic of their choosing; Tracy felt her story should be shared to give hope to others struggling with similar issues. We feel our readers will benefit from her unique story and be inspired by the courage she demonstrated during a deeply personal and painful experience:

“A few weeks ago my father passed away. He was diagnosed with lung and bone cancer about seven months ago, and he endured very aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatments. After his condition worsened, he decided to reach out to Hospice and let go.

During his painful journey, I spent as much time as possible with him. I applied essential oils on his feet and legs, gave him Reiki treatments, helped him get in more comfortable positions, and spent quiet time with him. When we spoke, we expressed our love and gratitude for each other. We also slipped in a few jokes here and there. My father’s sense of humor was outstanding throughout his ordeal with cancer.

The essential oils I used most with him were frankincense, Valor®, Peace Calming®, lavender, PanAway®, peppermint and Deep Relief™ Roll-On. I chose these oils for their relieving and calming properties. I would apply them to his feet, anywhere he was uncomfortable, and on his pillowcase so he could easily inhale them while he rested in bed. I can honestly say that every time I put the oils on him, he either told me or showed me that he got a little and sometimes a lot of relief from what he was feeling. He would also become less fidgety and feel calmer and more relaxed.

A few hours before my dad passed, the Hospice home caregiver and I gave him a sponge bath with warm water infused with Peace Calming. Afterwards I anointed his whole body with frankincense. I believe these essential oils helped me remain calm and strong throughout this difficult process.

Fortunately, my whole family was with him when he died, and just moments before he took that last breath, he opened his eyes and looked at each one of us indicating that he knew we were there and that he loved us.

If you find yourself in difficult situations, may I suggest surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family, taking time to grieve, meditating and practicing restorative yoga, and, of course, using essential oils to help bring peace and calming as you go through this rite of passage.”

-Tracy Griffiths, RPP, RPE

We’re grateful to Tracy for her eloquent words and inspiring story. If Young Living’s essential oils have in someway touched your life or eased your burden, we hope you’ll feel comfortable sharing your experiences with the YL family.

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on Monday, July 25th, 2011 at 5:07 PM and is filed under Aromatherapy, Essential Living, Essential Oils, How to Use Essential Oils, The Young Living Difference, Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils.
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