Loving Touch with Essential Oils

May 26th, 2011 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Whether you are the friend of a furry, feathered, or scaly being, you probably enjoy holding and petting your companion animal. This type of loving touch can also help keep your pet’s internal terrain inhospitable to pathogens.

Daily “oil petting” for general prevention and promotion of well-being is simple. Incorporate these six steps into your daily routine:

  1. Choose one of these five fabulous oils for your best friend:
  • Peace Calming® essential oil blend helps relax the nervous system and can release tension.
  • Sacred Mountain™ is grounding and stabilizing. This blend is filled with the fragrance of outdoors and brings unexpected gifts. One day a neighbor’s dog came over joyfully and sat by me in the street. Her owner commented, “She never goes to anyone!” That is the wonder of Sacred Mountain! I applied one drop an hour before and then I was this dog’s best friend.
  • Idaho Tansy is one of the most versatile oils for animals. It is purifying, cleansing, regenerating, repels flies, and lots more!
  • Lavender essential oil is a wonderful relaxant and is great for healing wounds.

2. Take a deep breath and let go of everything except the present moment. Know that you are in the presence of another wonderful soul clothed in a different form. With full focus, know that you are relating from your heart and soul to theirs.

3. Trust your intuition and quiet all mental chatter. Place one drop of your chosen oil in your palm and gently rub your hands together. Do not rub too much or there will be very little oil left for your friend.

4. Pet your pet. Keep in mind that this is a healing act, born of your love for life and the life of those you touch.

5. Close your eyes and let your hands do the work. Trust that your hands are being guided by the creator of all life.

6. Apply the oil with gentle strokes anywhere you believe it is needed. Belief is born of intellect, knowledge, and intuition. Focus on the daily use of Young Living essential oils for your friend. You will discover the joy of a deeper bond as your best friend experiences your love as a healing gift.

Wishing worlds of success to you and your companion,

Nancy Weber

Nancy Weber, RN, is a certified clinical aromatherapist, certified instructor in Raindrop Technique® and animal aromatherapy through Lightwing Center, and a medical intuitive whose book, The Gift of Interspecies Communication, has many Heart Talk exercises. A forthcoming book, Animal Aromatherapy: Your Pet’s Best Friend, is a collaboration sparked by a desire to share and educate. Nancy’s PowerPoint slides from her presentation on animals at Young Living convention from 2009 and 2010 can be found at www.animalscent.net, along with Animal Scent Newsletter PDFs for great testimonials. Nancy currently teaches in the U.S. and Europe on aromatherapy for people and companion animals.

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on Thursday, May 26th, 2011 at 11:13 AM and is filed under Essential Living, Essential Oils and Pets, How to Use Essential Oils.
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