DIY: Essential Oil Blends to Relieve Holiday Stress

Nov 13th, 2013 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

The holiday season can be stressful—with planning parties, shopping for gifts, preparing meals, and more. To help you avoid holiday stress, we have prepared some do-it-yourself blends to help you relax and enjoy this special time of the year.

Quick Aromatic Blend

7 drops Lavender Essential Oil

3 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oi

2 drops Peppermint Essential Oi

2 tablespoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex

Massage the temples, forehead, neck, and shoulders.

Hand Bath

5 drops Lavender Essential Oil

2 drops Marjoram Essential Oil

3 cups of warm water

Place your hands into a hand basin and soak for a few minutes.

Icy Compress

2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

2 drops Ginger Essential Oil

1 drop Marjoram Essential Oil

1 quart ice-cold water

Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and apply it to your forehead or neck.

Relief Bath

3 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil 

3 drops Lavender Essential Oil

2 drops Marjoram Essential Oil

2 drops Thyme Essential Oil

Disperse the oils in bathtub and soak in the water for 20 minutes.

If you have any tips for relieving holiday stress with Young Living essential oils, please leave a comment.

—Gloria Russo, YL Product Marketing Manager

  • I’ve had better luck mixing the oils with epsom salt and then putting it in the bath, otherwise the oils just float on top of the water. And I add a little V6 or coconut oil to it to moisten my skin.

    • can you mix the oils with the salts and store them in a container for future use?

  • Sounds awesome!

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